Manufacturing with Tradition
Know-how around highest surface quality and precision
Our claim “Heritage” does not only reflect in the original garbs of the Black Forest. The Link to our home and production fascility here is even stronger. For us it is living the tradition and the awareness of our heritage that accompany us in our daily life and all we do.
Rotary Transfer Machine
Quality promise.
Our R2D2 combines precision with effectiveness: This CNC-controlled rotary transfer machine produces twenty thousand screw bodies per day. The expansion screws are automatically turned and machined from both sides. For a smooth operation, the machine performs a tool change fully automatically before the tool wear limits are reached. Why? Because, for one hundred and fifteen years, we have had the ambition to make good things even better – and this will not change in the future.
Screw assembly / Manual work station
A steady hand.
Perfect hand-eye coordination is crucial when our specialists assemble our orthodontic expansion screws. The assembly jigs that are manufactured and used for this purpose meet our production specifications exactly. No wonder – we built them ourselves. Always in accordance with our claim, which we have been living up to for one hundred and fifteen years: To make good things even better. Now and in the future.
Band prewelding service / Manual work station
In our band welding service department, 15 experienced experts are welding attachments to bands according to individual customer requirements. Working on the resistance welding machines requires a sensitive touch – our staff has it and most of them have been working here for years. No wonder because, for one hundred and fifteen years, we have had the ambition to make good things even better – something that will not change in the future.
Jig workshop and CNC milling machine
Paving our way into the future.
On our semi-automated CNC lathes, we manufacture highly complex turned parts for our self-constructed operating equipment – for example, for the R2D2. We also train our own industrial mechanics and machine and system operators on these machines. Because, for one hundred and fifteen years, we have had the ambition to make good things even better – and we will continue to do this in the future too.
BioQuick-Automated bracket assembly
Realizing ambition.
To ensure that the automatic assembly equipment for our BioQuick brackets meets our high standards, we have developed and manufactured two such machines ourselves. They insert the clips into the bracket bodies – including thorough camera-monitored quality inspection and color printing of the center marking on the bracket. This is an example of how we have been making good things even better for a hundred and fifteen years – and will continue to do so in the future.
Injection Molding Machine
Thinking ahead.
Our MIM and CIM processes are state-of-the-art methods for manufacturing metallic and ceramic components. In our six injection molding machines, organic binders are mixed with metal or ceramic powders. After heating, this plastic feedstock is pressed into negative molds. The resulting molded parts are turned into solid metallic or ceramic components of the highest quality in subsequent processes. As it has actually always been the case in the last hundred and fifteen years, where we have made good even better – which will not change in the future.
Automated bracket placement unit
The task of the automatic placing machine is to detect the components that are fed from the supply chamber using a camera and to place them systematically on ceramic plates using a robot arm, where they are further processed in debinding and sintering furnaces. This machine is highly effective and ready for use around the clock, which improves our competitive strength. As we have done so often in the last hundred and fifteen years, in which we have made good things even better – and will continue to do so in the future.
Measuring machine
The measuring machine is used for proactive quality assurance when monitoring our injection tools. Its smallest stylus ball is just 0.3 mm. It therefore provides the highest accuracy, especially to aquire actual values for smallest components in fixture construction and for new developments. Paying attention right down to the smallest detail? Yes, because, for one hundred and fifteen years, we have had the ambition to make good things even better – and we will continue to do this in the future too.
Looking back.
Our cabinet originates from our time as a jewelry and watch manufacturer. It houses the band storage for the welding service as well as the complete storage for our semi-finished products. Here, all orders are set up for production and the deadlines are meticulously monitored. Why go to the effort? Because, for one hundred and fifteen years, we have had the ambition to make good things even better – and we will continue to do this in the future too.
Automatic lathe
We can do it all.
Our automatic lathes are true all-round talents. They can process stainless steel and titanium, and have automatic bar feeders. In the highest quality they produce our OrthoEasy Pins and Pals, guide pins and spindles for our expansion screws, as well as probes. They satisfy a demand that we have been making on ourselves for one hundred and fifteen years: To make good things even better. Today and also in the future.